Melemo ea Tension Sensor-RL in Wire and Cable Tension Measurement

Litharollo tsa taolo ea tsitsipanoli bohlokoa liindastering tse fapaneng, 'me ts'ebeliso ea li-sensor tsa tsitsipano e phetha karolo ea bohlokoa ho netefatsa ts'ebetso e nepahetseng ea tlhahiso. Lilaoli tsa tsitsipano ea mochini oa masela, li-sensor tsa terata le li-cable, le li-sensor tsa ho lekanya tsitsipano ke likarolo tsa bohlokoa ts'ebetsong ea taolo ea tsitsipano.

Li-sensor tsa tsitsipano li sebelisoa ho lekanya boleng ba tsitsipano ea meropa. Ho na le mefuta e mengata joalo ka mofuta oa spindle, mofuta oa shaft, le mofuta oa cantilever. Sensor e 'ngoe le e' ngoe e loketse lits'ebetso tse fapaneng, ho kenyelletsa fiber ea optical, khoele, fiber ea lik'hemik'hale, terata ea tšepe, terata le thapo, joalo-joalo. thapo.

Sehlahisoa se tsebahalang sehlopheng sena ke RL type tension detector, e etselitsoeng ka ho khetheha bakeng sa ho lemoha tsitsipano ea marang-rang ea likhoele tse mathang. Sesebelisoa se khona ho lekanya matla a ho hula a boima ba lithane tse 500 'me se ka sebelisoa bakeng sa likhoele tse nang le bophara ho tloha ho 15mm ho isa ho 115mm. E ipabola ho bona tsitsipano ea cable e matla le e tsitsitseng ntle le ho fetola sebopeho sa khatello ea mohala.

Khatello ea mofuta oa RLtester e amohela sebopeho sa mabili a mararo se nang le moralo o tiileng le o kopaneng, 'me se loketse tlhahlobo ea tsitsipano ea inthanete ea lithapo, lithapo tsa ankora le lits'ebetso tse ling tse ts'oanang. E na le tekanyo e phahameng ea ho pheta-pheta, ho nepahala le ho ikamahanya le maemo ka bophara, ha ho ntse ho le bonolo ho kenya le ho sebetsa. Lebili la setsi le tlosoang le loketse ho kenngoa le ho sebetsa, 'me le khona ho bona tsitsipano e matla le e tsitsitseng inthaneteng ka nako ea sebele ntle le ho ama mohala o tloaelehileng.


Letoto la RL le na le tekanyo e tsotehang ea ho lekanya tsitsipano e fihlang ho lithane tse 500 'me e ka amohela lithapo tse fihlang ho 115mm ka bophara. Sena se etsa hore e be tharollo e fapaneng le e tšepahalang bakeng sa liindasteri tse hlokang taolo e nepahetseng ea tsitsipano.


Ka bokhutšoanyane, li-sensor tsa tsitsipano, joalo ka li-detectors tsa tsitsipano tsa mofuta oa RL, li bohlokoa haholo lits'ebetsong tsa taolo ea tlhahiso indastering e fapaneng. Bokhoni ba bona ba ho lekanya tsitsipano ka nepo ka nako ea nnete ntle le ho ama botšepehi ba thepa e lekantsoeng bo etsa hore e be karolo ea bohlokoa litharollong tsa taolo ea tsitsipano.



Nako ea poso: May-31-2024